General Information
Yes. Contact our business office for pricing, ad size and other information.
Annoyance calls are covered in Section 42.07 of the Texas Penal Code. The code provides that a person commits an offense if he intentionally communicates by telephone in vulgar, profane, obscene, or indecent language, in a coarse and offensive manner of threatening language and this action intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly annoys or alarms or intends to alarm the recipient; or places one or more telephone calls anonymously, at an unreasonable hour, in an offensive and repetitious manner, or without legitimate purpose and by this action intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly annoys or alarms the recipient or intends to do so. A person places a telephone call as soon as he dials a complete telephone number, whether or not a conversation ensues.
Cramming consists of charges being placed on your phone bill for products or services without your authorization. Cramming is prohibited by law. Details
Contact our business office and request that we take corrective action.
The Texas PUC requires the billing telephone company to do the following within 45 days of learning of the unauthorized charge:
- Notify the service provider to cease charging you for the unauthorized product or service.
- Remove any unauthorized charges from your bill.
- Refund or credit all money to you that you have paid for an unauthorized charge within 15 business days after the charge is removed from your telephone bill.
No. Customers may purchase their own station equipment if certain conditions are met. All terminal equipment must meet FCC requirements. Details
All customers are furnished with a minimum of one directory for each customer access line. Additional directories may be obtained by contacting the business office.
Directories of other cities may be ordered by calling the AT&T Directory Resource Center at (800) 792-2665.
Great care has been exercised in the preparation of the telephone directory but SWTTC assumes no liability for damages arising from errors or omissions in the directory. In order that the directory record may contain correct listings, notification of changes or errors should be given at once to the business office.
Consumers who wish to reduce the number of unwanted telemarketing calls they receive can register their number at both the state and national level. Details
- Online:Â Â
- Phone:Â Â 1-888-382-1222
- TTY:Â Â 1-866-290-4236
- Online:Â Â
- Phone:Â Â 1-866-896-6225
- Post:Â Â TEXAS NO CALL, PO Box 313, E Walpole, MA 02032
SWTTC is in compliance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1975, as amended, and the rules and regulations of the US Department of Agriculture. Details
Any individual or specific class of individuals, who feels that this organization has subjected them to discrimination, should contact our Compliance Officer Rachel Gallegos. Complaints must be filed within 180 days after the alleged discrimination.
The ownership of all telephone numbers is vested in SWTTC and it reserves the right to change the telephone number or numbers of the customer’s telephone station or stations, or the central office prefix associated with such number or numbers, or both, as the operation of the business may require.
You have the right to file a formal or informal complaint or pursue any matter with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Details
The Relay Texas service relays calls between a person using a TTY or other assistive device within the State of Texas and any other telephone user. Details
Slamming is when a telephone company switches you from one telephone service provider to another without your authorization.
No. The law prohibits telephone companies from switching your service providers without your permission.
You can immediately change your service back to your original provider by calling SWTTC if you have been slammed. You should also report the slam by writing or calling the Public Utility Commission of Texas.
If you are slammed, Texas law requires the telephone company that slammed you to do the following:
- Pay all charges associated with returning you to your original telephone company within five business days of your request.
- Provide all billing records to your original telephone company within 10 business days of your request.
- Pay your original telephone company the amount you would have paid if you had not been slammed.
- Refund to you within 30 business days any amount you paid for charges during the first 30 days after the slam and any amount more than what you would have paid your original telephone company for charges after the first 30 days following the slam.
SWTTC has a written plan setting forth its procedures for communicating with Spanish-speaking persons. In compliance with this plan, anyone who wishes to see a written copy of the plan may do so by requesting a copy from our business office. SWTTC has bilingual service representatives available to handle complaints, billing inquiries, and repairs, upon request. Notices of new services, discount programs, promotions, and balloting are printed in English and Spanish.
SWTTC tiene un plan escrito declarando su procedimiento para comunicar con personas en espanol. De acuerdo con este plan, si alguien quiere una copia se puede pedir en la commercial office. SWTTC tiene representantes bilingue. A peticion, los representantes de reparacion y servicio le pueden ayudar con sus quejas, informacion de su cuenta y servicio. Noticias de servicio nuevo, programas de descuentos, promociones y votaciones estan escritas en ingles y espanol.
The telephone is one of the safest appliances in your home or office. There are, however, a few situations where a telephone user needs to be cautious:
During an Electrical Storm
You should avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm in your immediate area; calls of an urgent nature should be brief. Although SWTTC uses protective measures to limit abnormal electrical surges from entering your home, absolute protection is impossible. There is a remote risk of a dangerous electrical shock from lightning when using the telephone during a nearby electrical storm.
Near Water
The telephone should not be used while you are in a bathtub, shower, or pool. Immersion of the telephone or handset in water could cause an electrical shock.
Reporting a Gas Leak
If you think you’ve found a gas leak, you should not use a telephone in the vicinity of the leak until the leak is repaired. The telephone contains electrical contacts that could generate a tiny spark when you lift the handset and dial. While unlikely, it may be possible for this spark to trigger an explosion if the gas concentration is high enough.
Before digging, contact Texas One Call, (800) 245-4545.
Texas One Call is a computerized notification center which establishes a communications link between those who dig underground (excavators) and those who operate underground facilities (operators). Details